Gika's hands making felt cording, wrapped around a dowel


For millions of years, we humans have been making things with our hands. We transform materials to make objects that are functional and often beautiful. There’s something magical about the process. But it’s not just magical; it’s also essential to our well being. The things we make with our hands clothe us, feed us and shelter us.

Hands on drums

Slow Slow Quick Quick

The desired changes rarely happen overnight, and somewhere along the way, it feels like a slog.

Breakfast thali - brass tray with a variety of Indian foods, and a coffee cup in the background

Morning Thali

Moshe Feldenkrais and Thomas Leonard each spoke about creating conditions that support leaning and growth. Feldenkrais used attention to movement, and Leonard used “conversations with a bit of wisdom thrown in.”

Felt heart (gold on red background)

Friends You Can Count On

One of those friends, had some really great sayings. They pop into my head, often at just the right time. Maybe they’re good for you, too.

Woman wearing a blue shirt and polka dot hat, holding a wrench, below a sign that says, Take the Day Off."

When Work Doesn’t Feel Like Work

The pleasure of spending time with bright curious people who are investing time and energy in making useful changes is remarkable. How can that feel like work?