Child's hands sewing, with materials and small mannequin in the background

Studio Time

So, here’s my invitation to you. Find some time to play. With whatever medium appeals to you. Maybe it’s fabric or fiber; maybe it’s clay; maybe it’s music or gardening. Have some fun, and remind yourself that it doesn’t have to be perfect.

Rainy day from a front porch

A Little More Rain

A nice break from quite a bit of chatter. The chatter in the news and on social media. The chatter in my own head. We all have stuff to deal with, worry about, fuss over. And the rain keeps on raining, and the sun keeps on shining, and the moon keeps on rising.

Pink rose with foliage in the background

What Remains the Same

All of this creates complex problems to be addressed. Power outages; drainage; food and shelter; loss of income; loss of housing. How do we allocate resources? How do we manage our individual and community responses to situations like this?

Set of colorful hammocks

A Little Time Off

Sometimes you gotta just practice what you preach. Every time I teach a Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lesson, there are instructions to pause in between movements. Sometimes short pauses; sometimes long pauses. Sometimes lots of pauses; sometimes few pauses.