Purple hand-knit cardigan - a work in progress


Maybe it’s curiosity. Maybe it’s procrastination—or avoidance? I’m not really sure what to call it, but I do find myself easily distracted by a wide variety of interests.

Chocolate chocolate chip cookies on a wooden surface

Polite or Kind?

If nothing else, maybe we should make some of Dorie Greenspan’s World Peace Cookies and share them generously.

Boy blowing up an orange balloon

Time to Exhale

Try it when you’re feeling pretty good. See how you like it, how you feel afterwards. And, maybe, just maybe, you’ll find it useful when things aren’t going so well. When you need a quick reset. it might do you good and help you too.

By Way Of…

It seemed like a silly thing to do. I could have put the mitts in the mail. But I’d just finished them and the cold weather was starting. Here in this part of Texas, the cold doesn’t last very long—at least not usually. I wanted these little mitts to be useful, before the wether turned or the mittens got lost—whichever might come first.

Two pieces of Pueblo pottery from a museum exhibit

Grounded in Clay

Watching videos of artists talking about their relationships to the pieces was mesmerizing. I left feeling eager to get my hands on some clay—or better yet for me—on some wool.

Knitted lace around a glass jar filled with twinkle lights, along with a coffee mug and books in the background.

Time in the Comfort Zone

Maybe Goldilocks had a point. It’s nice to have things just right. To be comfortable. Not too cold; not too hot. Not too hard; not too soft. Not too dark; not too bright.

Hands holding sparklers, reaching toward each other

Wishes, Reminders, and Mark Your Calendar

Have all the fun you can! And, more importantly, may you find light and grace and peace as you move through the holidays and into the new year.

Golden brown growth on a fallen log

Finding the Right Path

So, how might we know? One of my teachers used to say, “Look for the signs. They’re not always along the road?”

Colorful soap bubbles against a black background

Taking Time to Exhale

Exhaling fully tells the nervous system that there’s too much carbon dioxide and that there’s too little oxygen. It’s a nice metaphor for other aspects of our lives. What’s building up in our lives that needs to go away, to make space for something fresh?

Blue Heron standing near a pond on a sunny day


Even amidst the hustle and bustle of this season, there are some days that are just made for soaking up sunshine.