Time to Exhale

Dear Reader,

Sometimes, it’s a good idea to take a deep breath. Maybe you’re about to go under water; or make a big speech, or sing an aria, or blow up a balloon.

Other times, a full—dare I say deep—exhale seems to be in order. When we breathe in, we’re taking in new air, expecting something refreshing and renewing. Maybe we’re not thinking that, but it’s what we’re probably expecting nonetheless.

Sometimes we need to press air out, and along with it tension, that “bad taste in the mouth,” or some other yucky feeling.

And, when we really let all that stale air out, really push it out until there’s no more left to exhale, we make space for a clearer, more satisfying inhale. Try it a few times. Push out all the air, hold it out for a bit, wait until you can’t really wait anymore, and then your body will let new air in.

Try it when you’re feeling pretty good. See how you like it, how you feel afterwards. And, maybe, just maybe, you’ll find it useful when things aren’t going so well. When you need a quick reset. it might do you good and help you too.

Inhaling or exhaling, going back and forth between the two, remember to go gently with yourself. That will also do you good and help you too.

If you’re interested in a deeper exploration of breath, sign up for this upcoming in-person workshop at the Jung Center of Houston. Cleansing Breath: A Feldenkrais mini-retreat, Saturday, February 1, from 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm.

And we always do some breathing in the Tuesday online Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lesson. It’s Free/Pay as You Wish.

If you’d like to work with me privately, you can Book an Appointment for a Feldenkrais or Coaching session, or for a free consult. You can even set up a time for a private, or semi-private felting session. Or you can simply reply to this email and let me know what’s most interesting to you.

Have all the fun you can!

Boy blowing up an orange balloon
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