Polite or Kind?

Dear Reader,

I grew up in the South—Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to be specific. And my mom was German. So, whether it was at home or out and about, good manners were an integral part of my upbringing. Please. Thank you. Wait to be invited. Adults were always Mr. or Miss, or Doctor or Pastor.

But as I’ve learned over time, politeness should not be confused with kindness. The classic southern phrase, “Bless their heart.” can be heartfelt or dripping with sarcasm. I had a friend who grew up in Austin. She had a lovely soft, southern accent, and a lovely personality to match. She also was clear and direct in what she said, not afraid to say what she meant. I think she could have said to almost anyone, “Go jump in a lake!”—that’s the very polite version I’m putting here—and they would have said, “Well, thank you!.”

Kindness is a different thing. Sometimes, kindness means not saying anything. Somewhere I heard the idea that when you’re about to tell someone something, ask yourself these questions: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?

I’m not quite sure how to describe or define kindness. Is it fair to say that we know it when we feel it? Maybe that’s the key. It has to do with how something makes us feel. I don’t think it’s ever wrong to be kind to our fellow beings on this planet. I don’t mean politeness, or letting others run over you. It’s not about indulgence or pandering. It’s about treating others with respect and dignity. It makes a difference.

And it’s equally important to be kind to yourself. It makes a difference.

It’s a good day to be kind.

If nothing else, maybe we should make some of Dorie Greenspan’s World Peace Cookies and share them generously.

If you’d like to offer a bit of kindness to your body, maybe you’d like to join our Tuesday online Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lesson. It’s Free/Pay as You Wish.

If you’d like to work with me privately, you can Book an Appointment for a Feldenkrais or Coaching session, or for a free consult. You can even set up a time for a private, or semi-private felting session. Or you can simply reply to this email and let me know what’s most interesting to you.

Have all the fun you can!

Chocolate chocolate chip cookies on a wooden surface
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