What the Heck Is Coaching?

Dear Reader,

Let’s talk about coaching. What the heck is it, and how does it work? I think coaching is a series of clarifying conversations that helps a client move from where they are toward where they want to be. Along the way, the sessions include questions, comments, times of silence—and perhaps even tears and laughter.

Clarity emerges in the form of a better understanding of what you (you, the client) really want, as well as an expanded and refined sense of who you are. Here’s where I like to quote Mattison Grey: “Clarity creates velocity.”

Picture driving along the interstate in west Texas. It’s a clear, sunny day ,and you can see for miles. It’s clear sailing, and you can go as fast as you like—or as fast as your vehicle, driving skills, and conscience allow. “Clarity creates velocity.”

When your sense of who you really are and what your really want is clear, you find yourself moving forward with grace and ease, faster than you might have thought possible.

Something similar happens in Feldenkrais. We begin to let go of movement patterns that slow us down, or just downright hurt. We find easier ways to move, and life becomes more pleasurable.

Whether it’s coaching or Feldenkrais—or even teaching felt making—it’s such a delight to see folks expand into new possibilities and renewed enjoyment.

It’s beginning to look like spring here in Texas. Redbuds are blooming, I’ve seen crimson clover along the roadsides, and trees are budding out. It feels like a good time for us to bud out and bloom also.

Here’s what’s on my spring calendar so far:

Our Tuesday online Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement class is back on schedule, and it’s still Free/Pay as You Wish.

In person at the Jung Center, a Feldenkrais mini-retreat, Reaching Out will be on Saturday afternoon, March 16.

If you’d like some coaching or private Feldenkrais lessons, you can Book an Appointment, or reply to this email.

Have all the fun you can!

Redbud tree in bloom with other trees in the background
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