Weekly Newsletters
The articles below were featured in my weekly e‑mail newsletters. To subscribe to the newsletter, please use my contact form.

More Is More
It’s a nice time to open up—move a little more, lift our eyes, lift our hearts, connect with ourselves and others.

Happy Pi Day!
We can keep on saying more and more about life, but there’s always a bit more that we can’t quite define or even describe.

Taking Time
I’ve heard that if you want to slow down time, learn something new. I invite you to join me in learning something new about yourself.

Looking Up
If we loosen up our necks, could our whole perspective on life change?

Following My Curiosity
Someone asked me recently how I got into this Feldenkrais work. A friend said she had a friend who did this thing that I might like. I wonder how she knew!

Learning Fun
I’ve been learning a lot, and I’m eager to share with y’all. I’d also love to hear about what you’ve been learning and noticing.

Begin Again
I wondered if I might come up with some brilliant new format for offering these lessons, but that never happened. So, we’ll just begin again.

Staying in Touch
We can move our bodies this way and that, getting in touch with something deep inside ourselves—our bones, our muscles, our feelings—and discover new ways of moving in the world.

Pausing and Knitting
I’m using what I teach—and trying to remember to practice what I preach.

Starting Slowly
I loved listening to the creek. I guess it spoke to something deep inside me, because now I go back as often as I can and listen some more.