Time in the Comfort Zone

Dear Reader,

Maybe Goldilocks had a point. It’s nice to have things just right. To be comfortable. Not too cold; not too hot. Not too hard; not too soft. Not too dark; not too bright.

Over the holidays, I spent time in the mountains of North Carolina. A house in the woods, by a creek, on the side of a mountain. Time with family; reading; sewing; knitting; cooking; talking. And a bit of hiking.

As we enter the new year, I’m grateful for the time away. For time in a different setting; moving at a different pace. For letting my thoughts wander. For time with some of the nicest people on the planet.

Time in the comfort zone feels like “non-sleep deep relaxation.” Something necessary and restorative. Sometimes we go away to find it. Mostly, we get bits of it closer to home, at odd times, here and there.

Here’s my invitation to you: join me for some time in the comfort zone. You might just find that it will “do you good and help you too.”

Here are some of my favorite ways of getting into that zone, finding comfort, refreshment, renewal:

Every Tuesday, with rare exceptions, we have our online Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lesson, and it’s still Free/Pay as You Wish.

Feltmaking as Story-Telling is an in-person workshop at the Jung Center of Houston on Saturday afternoon, January 18. Gathering bits of richly colored wool, manipulating the fibers into small objects and vessels, the materials and the seemingly magical transformations begin to tell the stories. It’s going to be fun!

Cleansing Breath: A Feldenkrais Mini-retreat will be in person at the Jung Center of Houston on Saturday afternoon, February 1. Take some moments for yourself to breath, move, and refresh yourself.

If you’d like to work with me privately, you can Book an Appointment for a Feldenkrais or Coaching session, or for a free consult. You can even set up a time for a private, or semi-private felting session. Or you can simply reply to this email and let me know what’s most interesting to you.

Happy New Year, y’all!

Knitted lace around a glass jar filled with twinkle lights, along with a coffee mug and books in the background.
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