Yes and Yes

Dear Reader,

I don’t even remember the precise question. Someone asked me, “Is it this or that?” My response was, “Yes and Yes.” It’s not easy for me to settle for either or—even when it seems obvious that I should. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just have our cake and eat it too?

Last week I attended Jennifer Jewell’s talk for Garden Spark in Austin. She shared some beautiful images, thoughtful ideas, and inspiring messages. What stuck most firmly in my mind was the phrase, “Nothing is binary.” The accompanying photo showed a patch of bright green seedlings against a background of recently charred earth. The image was captured shortly after a rainfall that ended a California wildfire.

The wildfires have indeed been devastating. The good news was that some of the long-buried seeds of long-forgotten native plants were bursting forth with new life. Some seeds only open up for new growth after a fire.

So many things in our lives are like this. Not good or bad, or maybe both.

My clients often want to change an old habit or pattern of movement, especially if it feels bad or has negative consequences. It’s helpful to know that the old pattern served a purpose at some point, and probably did its job really well. There comes a time when it’s not as useful, or perhaps it’s too costly. As we explore new possibilities, it can be reassuring to know that we can resurrect the old pattern any time it becomes more beneficial than harmful.

What are the old patterns you’d like to change? Do you have some ideas of what you’d like instead? Might you have the option of this and that, yes and…

Here are some things I hope you’ll consider saying yes to:

Every Tuesday, with rare exceptions, we have our online Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lesson, and it’s still Free/Pay as You Wish.

In person at the Jung Center of Houston, another Feldenkrais Mini-Retreat: Moving From the Heart, on Saturday afternoon, November 16, 2024.

Also in person at the Jung Center of Houston, on Saturday afternoon, November 23, 2024, Creating a New Cloth: Nuno Felt Technique. This one is always fun, and sometimes surprising.

If you’d like to work with me privately, you can Book an Appointment for a Feldenkrais or Coaching session, or for a free consult. You can even set up a time for a private, or semi-private felting session. Or you can simply reply to this email and let me know what’s most interesting to you.

Have all the fun you can!

Green seedlings after wildfire
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