
Dear Reader,

Even amidst the hustle and bustle of this season, there are some days that are just made for soaking up sunshine. Enjoying the warmth of the sun and the clear blue sky.

You might not be surprised to know that for me, Feldenkrais and coaching and felt-making feel a lot like sunshine. Maybe you can hear John Denver singing in the background, “Sunshine on my shoulders almost always makes me high.”

Perhaps you’d like to join me for a little reprieve from the cold. Here’s what’s on these days.

Every Tuesday, with rare exceptions, we have our online Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lesson, and it’s still Free/Pay as You Wish.

If you’d like to work with me privately, you can Book an Appointment for a Feldenkrais or Coaching session, or for a free consult. You can even set up a time for a private, or semi-private felting session. Or you can simply reply to this email and let me know what’s most interesting to you.

Have all the fun you can!

Blue Heron standing near a pond on a sunny day
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